Gustavo Dávila era un chico normal al que le llamaba la atención el fútbol. Fue hasta que sus amigos de preparatoria tomaron la grandiosa decisión de formar una banda de #rock pesado, la cual llamó totalmente la atención de Gustavo; en ese entonces, sólo tocaba el #piano, pero al no ser muy necesario por el género musical que tocaban, comenzó a #cantar y a aprender a tocar otros #instrumentos, entre ellos la guitarra.
Músico en proyectos como: Le Wolfe - Voz, Guitarra, Teclados - (201...

Anna Müller is the co-founder of Austrian #electronic #duo HVOB. She has an obsession with #words in a sense that a single word can be the #inspiration for an entire #lyrical or #thematic #composition. Anna started writing at the young age of 15 and has learned how to play both the #piano and #violin growing up. A firm believer of letting the #music of the talking with a very peculiar #social #media presence that reflects the #minimalism she #stylistically implements in her music.

Founder of Shiver, Justin quickly fell in love with Rock'n'Roll after hearing Zeppelin's Black Dog at age 14, and soon after bought an #electric #guitar and began writing. Originally from Madison, Wisconsin, I made the pilgrimage to Los Angeles in 2014. Self-taught on the guitar, #piano, #bass, #drums, #harmonica and #vocals, Justin is influenced by a range of artists including Jerry Lee Lewis, Aerosmith, Guns N Roses, Franz Liszt, Richard Wagner, and many others.

Maximilian Lee Sindermann, guitarist, vocalist, and founding member of Event Horizon, is the #musician and #songwriter to whom the #band plays brainchild. Trained in classical music, beginning with the occasional #piano trifle from a very young age, Max went on to formally study Music Cal-State University Northridge.
Being initially drawn to the #death metal genre, Max first conceived the beginnings of Event Horizon in the form of the band’s predecessor: a death metal band called Norazzah, wh...

David Cortes, a Spanish native, is a #guitarist and #composer currently based out of Los Angeles, CA. David studied guitar, piano, and composition at the conservatories of Albacete and Cuenca. Despite over ten years of classical training, David developed an interest in complex/progressive rock that made him choose the #electric guitar as his instrument of choice.
David composed and premiered a couple of small classical pieces while living in Spain, as well as playing in small local ban...
Además de tocar el #piano, Alexis es un #fotógrafo profesional que ha estado en importantes festivales musicales y conciertos de diversos artistas tomando increíbles #fotografías. También trabaja como productor y director de video, siendo sus más recientes producciones los videos de Caloncho, Hedonista y Optimista...
El Reggae lo lleva en las venas, desde siempre amante de las blancas y negras. Es #tecladista de dos #bandas muy importantes en el #Reggae proveniente de Puerto Rico; Una reconocida por llegar a todos los corazones con todas sus #canciones de #amor y protesta, Cultura Profética; la otra por combinar la protesta con el #Dubstep haciendo una mezcla de sonidos bastante interesante, Dub Ambassadors.
Colaboró como #Weballooner prestando su voz en la canción Despídete junto a integrantes de dif...