Originario de Caracas, Venezuela, Simon Grossmann es un músico #cantautor que cuenta con dos materiales discográficos. “Ciclo” (2017) es el nombre que recibe su primer #disco, el cual contiene una #recopilación de canciones que #compuso durante cinco años y fue parteaguas para decidir dedicarse por completo a la música. Este álbum obtuvo 3 millones de #reproducciones en todas las plataformas #digitales.
Su segunda producción discográfica nombrada “Mujer Eléctrica”, evoluciona a...

An energetic blend of #newwave and heavy #progressive #rock, Four Stroke Baron aspire to bring forth a lively and refreshing new voice. Comprised of three members - Kirk Witt on #guitars and #vocals, Matt Vallarino on #drums, and Keegan Ferrari on #bass - the group crafts massive and immersive #soundscapes juxtaposed over catchy, pop-like #song structures. It is this penchant for blending familiar sounds and #styles into something altogether that you have allowed the #band to undergo to play m...

Opening the borders of genre, acoustic guitar duo Opal Ocean fuses together #Rock and #Flamenco techniques to create their own epic wall of #sound.
Forming in late 2013, New Caledonian Alex Champ and New Zealander Nadav Tabak decided to take their #music to the streets busking, using it as a platform for composing their #original #instrumental pieces. Based on the heart of #Melbourne, the #eclectic duo have seen their works enjoying great success, selling over 12,000 physical CD's Independently...

Anna Müller and Paul Wallner founded HVOB in 2012. The #duo focuses on "restrained and minimalist" #electronica with the use of #vocals. After releasing #music on #SoundCloud they were discovered by Oliver Koletzki, a German #dance and #house music #producer. Koletzki contracted the duo and they later appeared at the Melt Festival. Their first EP "Dogs" was released in 2012.
In 2013, the band released its first #album "HVOB". Their second album "Trialog" released in 2015 was said by American T...

Seattle-based Katelyn Isaacson is a sound designer, composer, singer, and songwriter of multiple genres. She's highly interested in new ways to use #audio in visual and interactive #media. Katelyn has extensive experience in scoring and #sound designing for films and #video #games, as well as #studio recording, audio #editing / processing, and singing.
Over the past few years, Katelyn has been performing as a classically-trained #soprano and working as a #composer for Guillotine Studios (produc...

On his third full-length #album, singer/songwriter Allen Stone proves himself deeply devoted to making uncompromisingly soulful music that transcends all #pop convention. Stone’s debut for Capitol Records, Radius marks the follow-up to the Chewelah, Washington-bred 28-year-old’s self-released and self-titled sophomore effort, a 2011 album that climbed to the top 10 on Billboard’s Heatseekers chart and gained acclaim from renowned #rock critic Ann Powers (whose NPR review hailed Allen Stone...

Llega ese momento donde estás paseando por las calles de tu pueblo. No sabes si es la edad, la etapa o la soledad, pero percibes un aroma que comienza a despertar el deseo de querer revivir la época de hace 10 años. Encontrarte frente a frente con aquel #amor del colegio, el que te hizo volar y caer al mismo tiempo. Reunirte con lo...

Hoy les traemos una #entrevista con una gran banda, que está de manteles largos con el lanzamiento de su nuevo single y el anuncio de la preventa de su nuevo disco "Nothing behind all of these masks". Para quienes aún no ubican a esta increíble banda emergente los invitamos a ser participes de su talento único, pues so...